Link from BBC 13th July 2014 – Full Article Linky
The first phase of a project aiming to improve George Street for pedestrians and cyclists will begin next week.
Work, which will last about four weeks, will begin on Monday and will make way for an increase in pedestrian space on each of the street’s four blocks.
Changes are set to come into full effect after the Edinburgh Festival.
The works will also result in the introduction of a dedicated two-way cycle lane and a one-way system for general traffic and buses.
Preparations for the scheme will be phased along the length of the street from west to east, with the north side of the street being closed from Charlotte Square to Frederick Street and the south side closed between Frederick Street and St Andrew Square.
BBC – George Street to be revamped (Image (c) BBC 13 June 2014)
I’m sure this will be a unmitigated success, just like the the tram works 😉