Tag Archives: Fringe

More Street Performers

I took another wander around the High Street, took a couple of photos of More Street Performers.

Dude On A Ladder

Dude On A Ladder

This fella balanced himself on a ladder, juggled machetes (seems to be a theme this year) but then, striped down to his underwear (not a real Scotsman) proceed to juggle while rotating the ladder 360° did not want to take a photo of that….



Found a Predator with a beer belly!!
he did not respond to heckles, nothing
Sing me a song!
Tell Me a joke!

nowt… he/she just looked at me funny

Edinburgh Festival Day 0

Its that time of the year… tis Festival Time! well it officially starts tomorrow August 1st.
but you can get preview shows, also the street performers are out.  I took a stroll down the Royal mile and came across two.

this fella was on Hunter square, he swallowed a sword and juggled fire.  he asked a lady from the crowd to pull the sword out.

Swallow a sword and Juggle Fire

Swallow a sword and Juggle Fire

Swallow a sword and Juggle Fire

Swallow a sword and Juggle Fire

This fella was on the High Street, started out straddling a robot and swallowed a balloon, then head ablaze juggled fire a machete and a club

Dude on a robot

Dude on a robot

Dude on a robot

Dude on a robot